We're back! We had a good time, though we missed the dogs. I spent most of my knitting time on a scarf. The scarf had some good, low-key adventures.
It got to rock on the porch with a view of the ocean:
It saw a nice display of sea shells:
And it got to join in the reading of A Certain New Book:
But it didn't get finished till we got home:
The pattern is from Fiddlesticks Knitting, and this is the Whisper 1 scarf, knitted in Douceur et Soie. Let me give kudos to Fiddlesticks Knitting for a really excellent pattern. The charts are large and readable, and all the directions were very clear. I knitted the pattern on US 5 needles (single point Bryspuns), and it took not quite all of one ball of Douceur et Soie. This is a smallish scarf (see the illustration on the web page), but it's really pretty. I've started the second Whisper Scarf (the rectangular one), but I'll hold that out till I get a bit more knitted on it.
I also finished the baby blanket:
(Anybody notice a certain consistency in color choices here?? I am so predictable.)
Here's a bit of detail on the pattern:
There are all these little diamond shapes and triangle shapes all over it. To me they look like little fir trees or something rather than diamonds. There's lots of purling in this pattern, but it's easily memorizable, and didn't take THAT long to finish. Towards the end of any afghan-like project I always feel like I've been knitting on it forever.
I've been working on knitting Grumperina's Tivoli tee. I just frogged it for the second time this morning. The problem is so not with the pattern. I'm knitting it in an Adrienne Vittadini cotton/silk blend yarn. The yarn is fine. The knitter is not so good with these kinds of yarn. I've had some ugly rowing-out, and my personal modification attempts have-- let's just say it -- sucked. So I'm going to start one. more. time. with a different needle and actually do only what Grumperina says to do in the pattern. Note to self: you are not smarter than the designer of the pattern you're working on. Quit overanalyzing!
Oh, and guess what color the yarn for my Tivoli tee is? Yup, pale green with a hint of blue.
In Other News:
In my last post, I hinted at changes coming up in my life. The first one: I had to replace my Zire71. :sobs quietly -- I LOVED my Zire: The Zire 71 has a camera that you access by sliding the front part of the PDA up. Unfortunately, over time, the cable that controls the camera gets rubbed by this action. The big fallout of this cable rubbing is that you can no longer hotsync your PDA to your computer. IOW, you can't back up your data on your handheld, and you can't load anything from your computer to your PDA. Since one of the big things I use my PDA for is reading ebooks, this was a DISASTER for me. So rather than listen to me whine all week, Dear Robert took me out and bought me a new PDA, a Palm Tungsten E2. It's not my Zire, but it'll do.
Second big change: I'm going back to work. Right now I'm working with a local pet-sitting company. It's part-time, and the hours are flexible. I've thought about doing something like this for a long time, and the opportunity came up recently. I had my first assignment the weekend before we left on vacation. That's job 1.
Starting in another month or so, I hope to add Job 2 to the mix. I'll be working with Margaret Heathman (author of Knitting Languages and all-round excellent person) at her new knitting shop, Margaret's Yarns Down Under in Monroe, GA. The scarves and some of the other lacy things I've been knitting will be shop models. It'll be a bit of a commute for me, but it's only 3 days a week. The only bad thing about this gig is that I'll be working Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Those are the days of my favorite local knitting groups. :(
And I may also end up helping my MIL with computer stuff in her new real-estate gig. But that's pretty tentative right now. More news as it becomes available.
All this is a little contingent on my dad's health. We're still working on getting an appointment with his doctor. Apparently there are only 4 urologists working in middle Georgia, and he just doesn't have time to sit and talk to non-patients. I know doctors are over-worked, but jeezopete. Frustrating. Everything always happens at once, doesn't it? But that's just the way the world works, for me at least.
So there you have it. My life's been pretty static for a while. It's time to stir things up!
Seems like your dad's doctor ought to talk with one of you, at least! Does someone go to his doctor appointments with him? That was how I kept up with my mom's progress...I took her to the appointment, sat in there with her, and doggone well asked any questions I had! The doctor works for you, after all.
Good luck with that, and with all the new jobs!
Posted by: Judy | August 01, 2005 at 03:01 PM
That scarf is beautiful. I have yet to see a Fiddlesticks pattern I didn't love, and the scarf is no exception. Best of luck with your new jobs, and best wishes for your father.
Posted by: Sydney | August 01, 2005 at 03:42 PM
So, you're saying the only time I'll see you is when I show up to a Spinning Guild meeting? Hmmmm. Wah!
Seriously, sounds like some positive changes for you. I wish you the best of luck there and am continuing to send good thoughts for your father.
Posted by: Sandy | August 01, 2005 at 03:49 PM
I can't imagine how, but it looks like your busy life just got busier! I also think chance in day is needed to accommodate both your Tuesday work and the need for Gwinnett Knitters to see you and your wonderful knitting. Monday? Wednesday?
Posted by: Jane | August 01, 2005 at 05:28 PM
well, I guess we'll just have to skip Tues/Thurs events now and then and come to Margaret's shop. I can't imagine better P/T jobs for you!
I'm on a blue-green kick, too. I love those colors. And that fiddlesticks scarf is so pretty. I might have to try one of their patterns sometime soon.
Posted by: carrie | August 01, 2005 at 06:59 PM
Aqua/Turquoise! Says tropical and relaxing to me. :) Sounds like you'll need some relaxing with everything on your plate. The scarf is beautiful - let me guess - mohair? :\
Posted by: Beth | August 01, 2005 at 07:19 PM
I stopped by yesterday but didn't leave a comment. The scarf is gorgeous. I used the same color for my Oriel scarf and it's one of my favorites. Your knitting all looks beautiful!
Posted by: margene | August 02, 2005 at 11:54 AM
Absolutely gorgeous scarf. I've got the pattern, but haven't made it yet. Time to rectify that.
Posted by: Snow | August 02, 2005 at 10:23 PM
I love the scarves and definitely think I'll try the Fiddlesticks patterns when I get the time and nerve to try my first lace project. We will definitely have to change our night for our group - it just wouldn't be the same without you! I hope both of the new jobs go well and mostly that you enjoy them!
Posted by: Marilyn | August 03, 2005 at 12:38 AM
Gee, I was just over here, and you have added so much already. Sounds like you are one busy lady these days. I love the scarf. It's so pretty, and that color is fantastic for a scarf. I hope you enjoy the new jobs.
Posted by: Glynda B. | August 06, 2005 at 08:22 AM
Ahh - someone who may know - Is Yarns Down Under still open? Do they have a website? I'm trying to update the SnB-NEGA Yarn Store list.
Posted by: Jenny | March 12, 2007 at 04:16 PM